Anastasia India
Meet Byron Bay Lifestyle's Founder & Owner and learn more about
her background.

Anastasia India
Even as a child of 5 years old, I would walk into a space + know if it felt good or not so good. I've always felt deeply impacted by the space around me. I may not have had the words to articulate how I was feeling, or the emotional intelligence at age 5 to describe it fully, yet I knew how I felt. It doesn’t matter if you're 5 or 95 years old, you feel what you feel, there’s no escaping it.
Living in a small coastal town in Victoria, Australia with my family was one of my earliest childhood memories. Our house was attached to my parents business in the main street. Being entrepreneurial, my parents decided to purchase the house next door when the elderly owner passed away + restore it.
On our inspection of that property, I had my first ever visceral response. I didn't understand that terminology at the time, as I hadn't previously heard those words spoken before, yet as an adult, I now understand this was a visceral response.
Walking into that dark, damp living room with limited natural light, filled with his old furniture, I imagined squatters had lived in squalor. Again, I wouldn’t have known what squatters were back in those days, yet I just remember feeling unsafe + yucky, being in that space. Logically, I knew nothing bad would happen to me physically, being surrounded by family, yet that feeling made a deep imprint. I felt emotionally unsafe without being aware of what that even was.
An old Art Deco sofa, upholstered in thick brocade floral fabric looked dirty, yet took pride of place in a messy living room. The whole place smelt like there was a dead animal somewhere in the corner. It was dark, dreary + it smelt very bad. Not a place anyone, would intentionally gravitate toward + definitely not a place for young children to play.
I didn’t feel good in the space + Mum was insistent I stay close by her side. She didn’t want me rubbing up against anything unsavoury, stepping on old nails, broken window panes or timber that may splinter me.
This memory, one of my earliest childhood memories, was the first time I understood how my surroundings impacted me. Profoundly, impacted me. This exact moment was the start of a lifetime journey. I realised, the correlation between the space around me + the way that I felt in that space. It was a real 'aha' moment. I questioned if that that meant I can determine how I feel, by surrounding myself with certain things + by placing myself into certain environments. Does that mean that I have the power to change the way I feel at any time in my life, I pondered?
It was a deeply profound moment, like I’d unlocked a magic code or won the keys to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. I was stunned + wondered if other people knew this or if they were unaware. It blew my mind to think that people may be unconscious of the direct link between their environment + the impact on them. This was my beginning, the path into the work I do now. Initially I began creating interior spaces in people's homes + workplaces, transitioning organically into space + energetics, much of which is based off science.
Witnessing profound transformations over the decade of committing to this work, has been such a privilege, as I watch my clients release what no longer serves them. As they relinquish the density of what's been holding them back in life, they expand to experience a lifestyle they've only ever dreamt of, using their home as the potent, powerful portal it is.